A message from the owner:
Hi, my name is Evan Watkins. Welcome to The Evan Watkins Show. It's not so much a show as a website. But it does have a lot of video, so... yeah I guess it's kind of a show. I don't know. Get off my back.
Here you will find videos with me in them, music that I wrote, and other things to waste your time.
I am a sketch comedy performer at iO West, a comedy writer, and frustrated musician.
For booking info please go to the contact tab. Whatever you do, don't click the vomit tab.
Hi, my name is Evan Watkins. Welcome to The Evan Watkins Show. It's not so much a show as a website. But it does have a lot of video, so... yeah I guess it's kind of a show. I don't know. Get off my back.
Here you will find videos with me in them, music that I wrote, and other things to waste your time.
I am a sketch comedy performer at iO West, a comedy writer, and frustrated musician.
For booking info please go to the contact tab. Whatever you do, don't click the vomit tab.
FEATURED VIDEO - Collegehumor's realistic nintendo switch
Live appearances - TBA
Cover photo by Michael Schaubach. Designed by Bill Bergen. Head Shots taken by Joanna Degeneres